I've been sooo busy studying for school's final exam which is always known very hard, national exam, and for the sbmptn.
The days were though, i registered to SBM ITB (which i really want) and SITH ITB (which my parents really want, and i was really giving the rest to Allah, i'm asking him for the best so what ever i achieve, if i don't get it also, i know it's the best for me.
But alhamdulillah, Allah is very kind, he gave me an easier way to enter itb. On the announcement day of snmptn i was alone in the room, my parents were in Jakarta, the announcement was on 1 o'clock and i couldn't stop praying & and reading asmaul husna since 12. At several minutes passed 1 i decided to open the website and i was surprised when i read that i was accepted.... In SBM ITB.
I was so thankful and i soon did my nazar which is teraweh on every ramadhan night in this year (this is a really really hard thing to do for me) and spare (several amount of money, which is pretty big for me) to those in need.
You know, this experience taught me a lot. I realized that everything, every good deeds will be replied with good deeds, and every bad ones will be replied with bad ones bad the reply might be in a different form.
After the announcement day i remember every little thing i've done before the annoucement day. How i always try to be kind to everyone, even the "very nyebelin" ones, how i always pray dhuha that Allah promises it's a prayer that will ease your rezeki, how I always spare my money.. to homeless ones, or somebody who looks in need, and how i remember seeing their face praying for me after i give them what i could. And how i always pray to Allah, and sure that my prayer will be accepted. <-- the last one is so so vital. You really DO have faith that Allah will answer your prayer.
And yes one thing you should know i'm not writing this post not for showing off or anything. I'm writing this post for inspirating anyone right there who needs an example, and i would become one for you. So i'm telling you, when you want something so bad go fight really hard for it, share kindness, take yourself closer to the one who can give it to you (Allah), pray, and you must believe that your prayer will be answered. And last but not least, be thankful to anything he gives you. Even if he gives you not what you want, you have to believe that he knows what's best for you.
And if you don't get something the way you wanted, remember that Allah got thoundsands of ways to reach you. If it's yours (rezekinya), then it will always be yours, don't ever be afraid that someone will take what is meant to be yours. And another important thing i learned, "usaha tidak akan mempengaruhi hasil." My friends who doesn't got what they want via snmptn way, got what they want via sbmptn way, or via ujian mandiri. They deserve it you know, and Allah already have plans for all of us, different roads for all of us, really. :)
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